Copper Fountain Cleaner NBS TOPAN - 1 Pack for 20 litres - Clean and Shine Copper

  • List Price: $20.08
  • Sale Price: $16.72
  • Amount Saved: $3.36
  • Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days
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Product Description

Copper fountains/water features are attractive and majestic asset of your yard or indoor decor. The metal has always been admired because of its beautiful colour, strength and various other properties which allow this versatile metal to be used for diverse purposes.

Copper fountains, just like all other water features, require regular cleaning and maintenance; albeit requiring more often and time consuming efforts than the maintenance of stone fountains. NBS TOPAN is an ideal product to keep your copper and brass water features as shiny and gleaming as new.

Some of the modern copper decorative items are covered with a protective layer or "baked-on" lacquer. Although this layer will keep your treasured copper item sparkly and new for long, the coating may crack over time and oxidation occur under the protective layer as little cracks or pinholes allow water vapour to seep in and develop patina. The coating should be removed in these cases before applying NBS TOPAN. This could be easily done by rubbing the metal surface with alcohol or acetone. Once the entire surface is free of lacquer coating proceed with the application of NBS TOPAN.

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