Draft Dodger Doctor Doorway Draft Stopper-Red, White & Blue-Stars (DD1)

  • Sale Price: $23.95
  • Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days
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Product Description

I make and market these innovative and decorative "Draft Dodger Doctors", to curb that pesky cold draft which creeps under entry doors! With the high fuel costs, a draft dodger is a "must have"! Why not have a "chic" draft stopper instead of the ugly towel? One size fits standard entry doors. These measure approximately 13" around(circumference) with a 3" round section filled with 99% dust-free kitty litter(for weight) and a 10" round section filled with Styrofoam particles. The fabrics are cotton or a cotton/blend. They are 40" in length, the filled section being 36" with a 2" overlap at each end. These are NOT washable. FYI: These are individually made, on a per order basis, and are usually shipped within 3 days of purchase.

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