Boone Hearth Heat Powered 4 Blade Stove Fan From for Wood Stoves. FREE Stove Thermometer Included.

  • List Price: $39.95
  • Sale Price: $39.95
  • Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
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Product Description

Place this fan on top of your wood burning, coal, pellet, or gas stove. It starts working automatically once the temperature reaches 185 degrees Farenheit. It circulates warm air throughout the room at a rate of 130 cubic feet per minute. This distributes heating evenly around the room with no excessively hot or cold spots. You'll be able to use your stove as a main source of home heating. When you get the most out of your stove with the simple addition of this fuss-free fan, you're doing something good for the environment. Burning wood in a stove is a low-emission and affordable way of generating a lot of heat. No batteries or electricity are required. The fan generates its own electricity when the back end is heated by the stove pipe and the front remains relatively cooler. The fan is mounted on a sturdy, flat base. There is a small handle on top of the fan so you can adjust its position while it is moving. Silent operation. Comes with a free wood stove thermometer for added safety and efficiency.

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