Fauna Marin DINO X (16.9 Ounces) Removes Hair Algae and Dinoflagellates

  • List Price: $50.99
  • Sale Price: $50.99
  • Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days
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Product Description

Fauna Marin DINO X is a very strong and effective solution to remove any hairy or plague type algae growth in Reef Tanks, it also removes dinoflagellates. It treats algae plagues in reef aquariums without harming any corals. DINO X does not destabilize the aquarium system. DINOX is not a treatment for Cyano bacteria. 5 ml Dino X of 100L / 26 gal. water every 2 days. DO NOT OVERDOSE AND CALCULATE THE LITERS OR GALLONS EXACTLY Dose every 2 days until the algae has gone but not more than 21 Dosings at a time.

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