Fisher-Price Music & Lights Elephant

  • List Price: $19.99
  • Sale Price: $12.98
  • Amount Saved: $7.01
  • Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
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Product Description

Let's talk about the elephant in the room, especially when it's so adorable and calming for your little one. This dresser-top soother helps you set a serene mood with 4 soothing sound options - white noise, ocean, rain or nature sounds. Or select from 20 classic songs and lullabies like the Brahms Waltz and "Mary Had a Little Lamb." Turn on the soft-glowing star night light for added comfort. You can even customize the options - the gentle music and sounds can play for 20 minutes, 120 minutes, or all night long. With tons of soothing settings, the Fisher-Price Music and Lights Elephant is a sweet little addition to your baby's bedtime routine. Where development comes into play Security and Happiness - The soothing nature of the soft glowing night light and gentle sounds set the scene for a sleep routine that calms and comforts. Sensory - Piano lullabies and the comforting glow of the star light help quiet baby's senses - readying your little one for a peaceful night's sleep.

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