Majestic Pure Peppermint Essential Oil, Premium Quality, 4 fl. oz.

  • List Price: $18.50
  • Sale Price: $18.50
  • Amount Saved: $5.55
  • Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
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Product Description

Peppermint Oil is a potent Oil With the Power of Menthol Offering Multiple Health and Household Benefits. It is popular due to it's wide range of uses and therapeutic benefits. Helps to improves energy levels. Peppermint essential oil provides a wonderful cooling sensation while it naturally alleviates discomfort. It is knows to keep mosquitoes spiders, mice, roaches, fleas & ants away. It is intense and far more concentrated than other essential oils. The topical application of peppermint oil is generally safe, although it is necessary to dilute with a carrier oil such as fractionated Coconut, jojoba or Almond oil. Majestic Pure Peppermint Oil is Steam Distilled Highest Quality Oil Extracted from the leaves and flowers/buds of Mentha Pipe Rita. Our oils are by far the most effective on the market

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