Novelty Place [Longest Lasting] Battery Operated Flickering Flameless LED Votive Candles (Pack of 12)

  • List Price: $7.95
  • Sale Price: $7.95
  • Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
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Product Description

Flameless Candles
Novelty Place LED candles provide clean, romantic, safe and elegant solution without any mess or hazardous flames associated with them. The flameless LED candles flicker and glow just like traditional candles and look more beautiful. They're perfect for events where children might be present or outdoor events where wind may cause problems.

Premium Quality
We install one CR2032 cell batterie in one LED tealight so that it lasts more than 100 hours!

Many Ways to Use
--- Illuminate a fireplace mantel or bookshelf loft with a bunch of candles.
--- Put in jars or glasses as luminaries for Christmas.
--- Decorate a candle light dinners with your loved one.

Size: 1.6" height x 1.4" diameter. Fit any standard size votive or tealight holder.
Battery: 1 CR2032 button batterie (included). Each candle lasts 100+ hours.
Quantity: 12 LED Candles per pack.

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