Purple Belly Dance Skirt With Gold Coins (Great Gift Idea)

  • List Price: $29.99
  • Sale Price: $0.99
  • Amount Saved: $29.00
  • Availability: Usually ships in 1-2 business days
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Product Description

Wrap measures 65 inch length 11 inch in width,100% Rayon Features: - Simple and special, perfect for practice or just as a fashion accessory! - Beautiful color Egyptian belly dancing hip wraps hand crocheted delicately with multiple rows of beads and coins. - Light weight and jingly, this scarf got all coins and beads hand stitched on highest quality rayoone - This scarf creates loud and lovely sound when the dancers move and shakes hip. - Express your inner power, beauty and femininity in our designer belly dancing scarves, as a dancing tool, match with any outfit, shawl, head wrap etc. - Wonderful over a bathing suit or as a belly dance wrap. -Sheer And Elegant You Will be the Center of Attention -Enjoy The Sensuality And Feel The Glamor As You Twirl And Whirl On The Dance Floor Or Just Taking A Walk On The Beach With This Beautiful Hip Scarf

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