Songsongstore Square Natural Linen & Cotton Fabric Storage Bin Shelves Storage Basket with Handles-for organizing Baby Toys Bins,Kids Toys,Baby Clothing,Children Books, Gift Baskets(15×10×9")(PANDA)

  • List Price: $12.98
  • Sale Price: $12.98
  • Availability: Usually ships in 24 hours
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Product Description

FRESH AND ELEGANT STYLE:Fun designs and colors that are easy to mix and match. Bring color and interest to a dull room with vibrant hues and a sophisticated look while also adding functionality.

ENJOY ORGANIZING: Overflowing drawers, stuffed closets, messy shelves and floors, unevenly piled magazines and missing papers can be a time consuming problem. Not anymore, with these storage baskets you will have a designated spot to neatly store items such as towels, diapers, clothing, toys, pet or baby essentials.

SAVE SPACE: If you ever don't need your storage baskets, do not worry - they are collapsible and can be stacked.

EASY TO CLEAN: Shake briskly to clean, use damp sponge on soiled areas.

SAVE TIME:Tidying up takes time and when friends and family are coming over you will be prepared and can focus on being a good host to your guests instead of picking up clutter and finding a place to put it. No more time wasted looking for things.

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